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QTD Solutions

Cross-border e-commerce operation and distribution is a matter of sophistication and complexity, which involves tax planning, risk management, market strategy, compliance, among other things.

QTD solutions would allow you to solicit assistance from all aspect of your cross-border solutions from operations to digital marketing to financial planning and taxation.

Operational Management outsourcing

We are a reliable partner to assist you to operate in any of your 3rd party marketplace such as Amazon or Walmart by setting up a robust management agreement to achieve your operational goals.

We help you to establish the operating framework and process and operate on your behalf.
If you have already got your shop(s) in any of the platforms and need operational support, we can help you optimize the operational structure to achieve higher profits.

Cross-border e-commerce Consultancy

You can always reach us if you encounter any difficulties in your current cross-border e-commerce business conduct, from legal structure, invoicing flow to product / market strategy.

Affiliated Supports and Value added Services

We have established a global network of professional services at your disposal in fixing your issues. Our dedicated project management teams will help you solicit help, coordinate, and manage the process and eventually achieve your goal.